Bio-Convergence 2030
University of California, Irvine (UCI) and Tel Aviv University (TAU) are proud to initiate the 7th annual UCI/TAU workshop, dedicated this year to the field of Bio-Convergence. The workshop seeks to present and discuss the development and challenges in the bio-convergence technologies involving engineers and scientists in higher education, to transform innovation in the coming decade.
By 2030, we envision bio-convergence technologies to have a profound impact on every person on earth. Progress in medical and biomedical technologies inevitably will make a remarkable impact on our society, and bring a higher quality of life to people in developed and under-developed nations alike.
This 7th international meeting will host scientists, industrialists and entrepreneurs to exchange expert insights on issues related to the meeting’s theme, while exposing participants to state-of-the-art research in the field. It will strengthen existing collaborations and enable new international research partnerships on bi-national and multi-national levels. The conference specifically will focus on artificial intelligence, sensors and biomaterials for the future. There also will be an Leadership Panel involving academic, government and industry leaders to facilitate the discussion on disruptive technologies.
Last but not least is the question, “Why UCI and TAU?” The answer is simple: both universities excel in science and technology education, possess expert resources in all fields and promote strong interdepartmental interaction. UCI enjoys the Southern California economic climate and neighborhood, and has a long tradition focused on cutting-edge technology. TAU is a much younger institute; nevertheless, it has educated a large number of scientists and engineers with an excellent STEM education system, giving Israel a reputation as the “Start-up Nation.” Both institutes believe that the mission of the faculty and staff is to lecture, teach and educate the best possible global scientists and engineers, while empowering them to improve the human condition of our society.